Contact & locations
Day-case procedures & hospital admissions
Dr Keogh is accredited at a number of local, high quality hospitals, chosen for there excellence in patinet care.
Dr Keogh also works closely with a wide number of local surgeons and other specialists to optimise your pain management before and after your operation. If you feel you may benefit from pain management optimisation before your surgery, please ask your specialist to contact us.
If you are a patient:
If you are a new patient and would like to:
Find out more about whether pain management is right for you; or
If you have questions about the types of conditions Dr Keogh treats or the treatments he offers;
Simply contact us via the button below and we will do our best to answer them for you.
If you would like to see Dr Keogh for an initial appointment, please ask your GP or specialist to send a referral to:
Please note, if you are accessing care under a TAC or WorkCover claim, you will require pre-approval from your insurer. Those patients without pre-approval cannot be seen. If you are a Veteran White Card holder, the condition for which you seek treatment must be listed as part of your cover.
All TAC, WorkCover and DVA patients require a valid referral from their GP or specialist, in addition to pre-approval.
If you are a referrer:
If you are a referrer, please email or fax a referral to:
For all patients please include:
A dated referral letter;
Any additional relevant information such as specialists letters and investigations, where applicable.
A list of current medications.
Compensable insurer pre-approval, where applicable.
Please note, if your patient is accessing care under a TAC or WorkCover claim, they require pre-approval for a pain specialist initial assessment and reviews from their insurer. Patients without pre-approval cannot be seen. If your patient is accessing care as a Veteran White Card holder, please ensure that the condition for which you refer them is listed as part of their cover.
All TAC, WorkCover and DVA patients require a valid referral from their GP or specialist, in addition to their pre-approval.