Pain conditions
Pain conditions
Dr Keogh's extensive training means he can successfully treat a wide variety of pains and pain conditions.
Pain doctors often classify (group together) pain conditions to help make more sense of them, aiding diagnosis and treatment. The most common classification used is the International Classification of Diseases, by the World Health Organisation. The 11th edition (current) of this classification included a fundamental change in the diagnosis of chronic pain and had in it for the first time in its history, a set of pain diagnoses which did not require investigations such as scans, to be abnormal.
Please explore a pain region below to find examples of conditions Dr Keogh is an expert in treating.
Please use the gallery below to explore a pain area and find examples of the common conditions that can be successfully treated.
The lists do not include all pain conditions that Dr Keogh is skilled at treating so do not be concerned if your condition or problem is not mentioned.
If you have any general questions about conditions Dr Keogh treats, please contact us.

Headache, mouth, dental & face pain
Examples include:
Cervicogenic headache (headache coming from the neck).
Migraine headache.
Tension headache.
Persistent daily headache.
Medication overuse headache.
The Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalgias (TCAs).
Occipital & scalp neuralgias (scalp nerve pain).
Temporomandibular joint pain.
Burning mouth syndrome.
Trigeminal neuralgia.
Persistent pain after dental surgery.
Otalgia (ear pain).

Neck pain
Examples include:
Degenerative pain - Spondylosis & arthritis.
Facet joint pain.
Atlanto-occipital & atlantoaxial joint pain.
Disc pain (discogenic pain).
Soft tissue & myofascial (muscle) pain.
Nerve impingement pain.
Whiplash pain and cervical instability.
Persistent pain after surgery.

Shoulder pain
Examples include:
Degenerative pain - Arthritis.
Rotator cuff (muscle & tendon) pain.
Biceps tendon pain.
Frozen shoulder pain.
Tendon impingement pain.
Bursitis (sub-acromial) pain.
Nerve pain.
Persistent pain after surgery.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).

Back & buttock pain
Examples include:
Degenerative pain - Spondylosis & arthritis.
Facet joint pain.
Disc pain (discogenic pain).
Soft tissue & myofascial (muscle) pain.
Pars defect & spinal instability pain.
Nerve impingement pain.
Spinal canal stenosis pain.
Scoliosis pain.
Sacroiliac joint pain.
Coccyx pain.
Piriformis / obturator interns syndrome pain.
Persistent pain after surgery.

Hip & knee pain
Examples include:
Degenerative pain - Arthritis.
Bursitis (trochanteric / pes anserine) pain.
Tendon pain.
Iliotibial band pain.
Nerve pain - Saphenous, infrapatellar, genicular & femoral neuralgias.
Meralgia parasthetica - Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh pain.
Persistent pain after surgery.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).

Foot & ankle pain
Examples include:
Degenerative pain - Arthritis.
Achilles tendon pain.
Plantar fasciitis pain.
Nerve pain - Tarsal tunnel syndrome, sural nerve entrapment pain & others.
Small fibre peripheral neuropathy pain of diabetes and other conditions.
Persistent pain after surgery.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).

Chest, abdominal & pelvic pain
Examples include:
Chest wall & rib pain.
Costochondritis pain.
Intercostal muscle pain.
Refractory angina pain.
Post-herpetic neuralgia (post-shingles) pain.
Abdominal wall nerve entrapment pain (ACNES).
Internal organ pain.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Bladder pain.
Gynaecological pain - Endometriosis, adenomyosis, poly cystic ovarian syndrome.
Prostate pain.
Rectal & anal pain.
Persistent pain after surgery.

Groin & genital pain
Examples include:
Groin pain.
Soft tissue - Tendon & ligament pain.
Orchaliga (testicle pain).
Ilioinguinal or genitofemoral nerve pain.
Pudendal neuralgia.
Vaginal pain.
Pelvic floor dysfunction pain.
Persistent pain after surgery.

Muscle pain
Examples include:
Widespread muscle pain.
Muscle pain and trigger points.
Neck & trapezius muscle pain.
Upper back & peri-shoulder blade muscle pain.
Low back & buttock muscle pain.
Pelvic floor muscle pain.

Widespread pain
Examples include:
Fibromyalgia pain & symptoms including fatigue and sleep problems.
Widespread pain & sensitisation syndromes.
Pain that moves around your body.
Pain where you have been told there is no explanation for it.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a nerve-type pain that arises usually after an injury or an operation on an arm or a leg.
It often affects a hand & wrist or a foot & ankle but can affect the whole limb.
Usually only one limb is affected but sometimes more.
The limb will often look abnormal and function is usually significantly decreased.

Cancer pain
Examples include:
Pain form the tumour pressing on body structures or nerves.
Pain from cancer in bones.
Pain following surgery for your cancer.
Nerve injury following chemotherapy.
Nerve injury following radiotherapy.
Pain relief in palliative care.

Nerve pain
Examples include:
Pain after a stroke.
Pain after a spinal cord injury.
Pain after a brain injury.
Pain from multiple sclerosis and other neurological conditions.
Pain from a nerve irritation, entrapment or radiculopathy:
In a leg pain (sciatica).
In an arm pain (brachalgia).
Pain after nerve injury from an accident or surgery.
Post-herpetic (shingles) neuralgia.
Small fibre peripheral neuropathy - From diabetes, chemotherapy and other conditions.

Post-surgical & post-traumatic pain
Examples include:
Persistent pain following spinal neck or back surgery.
Persistent pain following shoulder surgery.
Persistent pain following hip or knee surgery.
Persistent pain following abdominal or pelvic surgery.
Pain following an accident.

Sporting injuries
Examples include common conditions involving:
Muscle pain.
Tendon & ligament pain of the shoulders, hips, groin, knees & ankles.
Pain around the shoulder blades.
Bursitis pain of the shoulder, under the shoulder blade, around the hip or knee areas.
Iliotibial band syndrome.
Achillies tendon pain.
Plantar fasciitis pain.