One of Melbourne's leading independent pain specialists​
Dr Peter Keogh is a dual qualified Specialist Anaesthetist and Specialist Pain Medicine Physician. His practice encompasses both private anaesthesia and private pain medicine.
Dr Keogh practices independently. This means he is able to offer treatments and solutions for your pain which he believes are the best available.
Dr Keogh's training and qualifications
Dr Keogh trained extensively in both specialities in Australia and the UK. He holds sought after fellowships of:
The Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA) UK.
The Australian & New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FANZCA).
The Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Australian & New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FFPMANZCA).
For more information about Dr Peter Keogh, please click here.

Dr Peter Keogh

Pain management
Dr Keogh is an expert in treating all types of pain.
Types of pain
Pain management is the term used to describe the treatment of:
Acute pain - Pain that is short lived and expected to resolve with time. Examples include pain following an accident or an operation.
Chronic pain - Pain that hasn't settled naturally or does not have an obvious cause. As a minimum, this type of pain has been present for at least 3 to 6 months but may have be present for years or decades. Sometimes referred to as persistent pain.
Pain related to cancer or its treatments - Pain caused by the cancer itself or treatments for cancer such as surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Dr Keogh knows no two people's pain is alike
No two people's pain is alike. This is why Dr Keogh has developed an extensive range of treatment options to ensure he has a solution that will help you manage your pain more successfully.
Dr Keogh's approach to pain
Dr Keogh's approach involves:
Expert assessment and review of your pain & medical history.
Additional diagnostic tests (such as scans) or diagnostic procedures (nerve blocks) to pin-down the source of your pain, if needed.
A diagnosis.
A tailored treatment plan.
Comprehensive treatment options
A treatment plan may consist of one or more of:
Education about your pain and self-management strategies.
Non-opioid medications & advanced medications management.
Medication infusions, such as ketamine or lidocaine.
Interventional (injection) techniques such as:
Joint & soft-tissue injections.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections and prolotherapy.
Botox® therapy for pain.
Nerve blocks.
Epidurals & nerve root injections.
Nerve Pulsed Radio-Frequency (PRF) treatments.
Nerve Radio-Frequency (RF) ablation / neurotomy.
Neuromodulation - Spinal cord stimulation & peripheral nerve stimulation.
Liaison with pain psychologists, pain physiotherapists, pain occupational therapists, or other health professionals.
For more information on pain conditions Dr Keogh treats, click here.
For more information on pain treatments Dr Keogh offers, click here.